UC Spotlight Series – What is UC?

We are living in a world of instantaneous connections. On-demand streaming services connect us instantly to any show or movie we could want to watch. The Internet, provides unlimited access to information at any second. Delivery options with quick turnaround windows for everything from food to groceries to prescriptions. And of course, the mobile phones that are likely in everyone’s pocket, enabling all of these connections as well as connections to people through voice, text, and video.
If we can accomplish all of this and more from one device in our pockets in our personal lives, it stands to reason that this same access to connections could not only be useful in the business world, but critical. While hybrid and remote working opportunities have become more commonplace since the pandemic, altering the role of the traditional office worker tied to one desk and one computer to do their jobs, there have always been roles that require people to be on the move, untethered to a desk or working station. Healthcare providers in a busy hospital caring for patients, retail workers stocking shelves throughout the store while still needing to put customer service first, hospitality professionals who need to care for guests’ needs all throughout a facility: all of these roles and more require a high level of mobility.
So how do we connect these highly mobile workers to each other, to their desk-based colleagues, and to the world around them, without forcing them to waste valuable time and effort finding a computer or workstation? Enter the world of Unified Communications (UC), and more specifically, Mobile Unified Communications (Mobile UC).
Let’s take a step back. First, what is UC? Well, it is exactly what it sounds like: uniting all of the various tools people use to communicate and collaborate into a streamlined solution. Typically, UC solutions allow for text/messaging, voice calling, video calling, video meetings, file sharing, team collaboration and more all from one platform. While many UC solutions were created as desktop applications for office-based workers, these systems have now expanded to include those workers who are not sitting at a desk to complete most of their tasks – who we call mobile or deskless workers. This is where Mobile Unified Communications comes in – giving these mobile workers the same tools and access to instant communication and collaboration that desk-based workers have previously enjoyed.
Now, back to those magical phones likely residing in all of our pockets. Mobile UC leverages mobile phones to provide these communication and collaboration tools to deskless workers. And, while you could use the consumer device in your pocket, enterprise phones that have been specifically designed for the needs of the mobile worker and the demands of a business environment are a much better choice (read more in our blogs here, here, and here).
There are many different enterprise mobile devices available on the market that can help to enable UC. The right device will depend on the needs of your workers, your existing telephony infrastructure, your budget, and even the type of building within which your workers perform their jobs. At Spectralink, we offer a wide range of devices, from DECT solutions with incredible direct UC integrations as well as enterprise Versity Series smartphones that have been tested, certified and validated to work with all leading UC platforms, and we are happy to work with you to decide which is the best for your organization.
And, just as there is the right device to bring mobile communications to your deskless workforce, there is also the right UC platform. There are many different UC platforms to choose from, each with their own benefits, and while there is not necessarily a wrong choice, there *is* a right choice for your specific needs and the needs of your mobile workers. We offer integrations with all the major leading UC platforms and can help with your digital transformation by providing a complete Mobile UC solution.
Over the next few months, we will spotlight our UC partners, including Microsoft Teams, ZoomPhone, RingCentral, and Cisco, highlighting the various benefits of choosing a complete solution with Spectralink devices and UC applications. Stay tuned!