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Android 10

When mobile device manufacturers upgrade their operating system, applications also need to be upgraded to ensure that device users have uninterrupted access to critical mobile workflows and communication tools. Later this year, our Versity smartphone will…

Phone cleaning image Versity

At Spectralink, we are monitoring the progression of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and are carefully following CDC guidelines to protect our staff, partners, and customers throughout the globe. In addition, we’re encouraging everyone in our network…

AMIE Dashboard

In today’s highly connected world, more and more businesses–including large enterprises such as hospitals, retail, and manufacturing environments–rely on smartphones not only for communication, but also to access information and critical applications on the go. An…

Bill Foster Spotlight

Spectralink’s In the Spotlight blog series is all about celebrating our employees and their contributions to the success of our organization. Each post will give you a glimpse into the lives of our people, their careers…

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